The wave which required material medium for their energy transformation.
In previous session, we had discussed about basic introduction of Wave Motion. In this session we will discuss the Mechanical Waves in more detail.
The Mechanical Waves are waves, which propagate (transfers energy) through a material medium (Solid, Liquid or Gas). Mechanical waves can be produced only in elastic and inertial properties of a medium. There are two basic types of Mechanical waves: Longitudinal Waves and Transverse waves.
A mechanical wave, which requires an initial energy input. When this initial energy is added, the wave travels through the medium until all the energy is transfered.
Sound wave is a best example of the mechanical wave, which requires medium [Solid (wall), Liquid (Water) and Gas (Atmosphere)] to propagate. Sound waves are incapable of traveling through vacuum.

When a sound wave travels through a medium, the particles of the medium vibrates along the direction of wave travel. This produces a series of higher and lower pressure region called Compression and Rarefaction.
» Speed of Wave motion
» Velocity of Sound in Solid and Liquid
» Velocity of Sound in Gas
» Laplace's Correction
» Effect of temperature, pressure, humidity on velocity of Sound.